Portraits of Tibetans
Sershul Spinner
A mother and her children participating in prayers at Sershul Monastery, 2005.
Karzang Girl
A young visitor to Karzang Monastery, 2010.
Yachen Pilgrims
Two pilgrims at Yachen Monastery, 2004.
Domkar Pilgrim
A woman at Domkar Monastery, 2014.
Jamar Wakha Hot Springs Woman
A nomadic woman with yaks at Jamar Wakha Hot Springs in the Nangchen region of Kham, 2013.
Darlag Portrait
Portrait of a woman in Darlag, 2010.
Wedding Helpers
Two young women helping prepare for a wedding on the outskirts of Gyalthang, 2002.
Yachen Pilgrim
A pilgrim at Yachen Monastery, 2014.
Tea Break
A family attending a local monastery teaching not far from Darlag in 2014
Litang Pilgrim
A pilgrim at Litang Monastery, 2006.
A Khampa
A Khampa waiting in the snow for his ride in Garthar, 2007.
Chungba Village Men
Men from Chungba Village near Litang, 2004.
Soaking Up the Warmth
A father and his children enjoying the warmth of the stones at Jamar Wakha hot springs in Nangchen, 2013.
Sershul Nomad Girl
A young nomadic woman in the vicinity of Sershul in Kham, 2014.
Spinning Prayers
A woman participating in prayers at Dzogchen Monastery, 2015.
Village Friends
Friends in a village in Kham, 2007.
A welcoming nomad encamped somewhere between Drango and Kardze, 2006.
Ngaba Man
A man posing on the street in Ngaba, 2005.
Friends Posing
Two friends playing around In Sershul town, 2005.
Young Attendees
Brother and sister attending a teaching near Darlag, 2014.
Pilgrims at Bunyming Monastery, 2005.
Bunyming Pilgrim
An old pilgrim at Bunyming Monastery, 2006.
Young Student
A schoolboy in a monastery school near Darlag, 2010.
Khampa Cowgirls
Two nomadic cowgirls on the road to Yachen Monastery, 2004.
Shopping in Kardze
A father with his shy son on the street in Kardze, 2004.
Martin Newman is a photographer and psychotherapist based in San Francisco, California. In addition to exhibiting throughout the Bay Area, his work has appeared in various publications as well as in the book “The Dawn of Modern Korea”. He is currently working on a book featuring the people of Kham. To view additional photos as well as obtain purchasing information, please go to www.martinnewmanphotography.com or contact directly at ma*********************@gm***.com.