Green Tara is regarded as the mother of all Bodhisattvas, a lover of all sentient beings. She is associated with enlightened activity, helping people pass beyond earthly existence. Green Tara grants refuge from all things which may obstruct, or cause trouble. She also embodies many qualities of the ‘feminine’, known as the mother of mercy and compassion, giving relief from bad karma.
Green Tara is shown seated on a lunar disk atop of a lotus throne. This moon disk symbolises pacification and peacefulness, reflecting her nature. The lotus she is seated on symbolises her freedom from defilement. Her face is peaceful, with a gentle smile, her eyes loving and compassionate, expressing the kindness of a mother.

Her left leg is drawn into a meditation position with her right leg hanging down. Her right foot rests on a small blue lotus, ready to leap into action to assist. Her left hand is positioned over her heart in the gesture of refuge, and she holds the stem of a closed blue lotus, symbolising purity and power. Three fingers of her left hand are standing upright to symbolise refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. Her right-hand rests on her knee, palm turned outwards, in the mudra of supreme giving- Dhana mudra.
She wears the ornaments of a bodhisattva and is adorned heavily with exquisite jewellery of various types of precious stones and metals. This adornment symbolises her status as a divine being.

Green Tara is considered by some to be the original Tara, consort of Amoghasiddhi, one of the “self-born” buddhas. She goes by various names including Shyamatara (Sanskrit) and Sgrol-ljang (Tibetan). Her mantra is “Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha” which translates to “I prostrate to the Liberator, Mother of all the Victorious Ones.”
See Green Tara in Figures